Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Clouding the Issue

Though “the cloud” may sound like a cult or a threat from a horror movie, it’s actually an incredibly smart, efficient and cost-effective way of managing data in a business setting.  On its most basic level, cloud computing is the practice of using virtual data storage technology.  This can range from something as specific as Google Documents, to something as simple as uploading photos or documents onto a profile.

Former New York Jets quarterback, Tony Merendino, runs ServIT; an infrastructure company that provides hardware, middleware stacks, IT services and most importantly, cloud hosting and managed services, primarily for the manufacturing and distribution industries.

ServIT also provides what they call image-based backup, a process for a computer or virtual machine that creates a copy of the operating system and all the data associated with it, including the system state and application configurations. The backup is saved as a single file that is called an image. This insures that a company’s data and entire IT infrastructure are completely safe in the cloud.

For more information, please visit http://goo.gl/vzUVL


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